Google URL Inspection Tool
Search ConsoleThe URL Inspection tool provides information about Google's indexed version of a specific page or URL. You can inspect both AMP and non-AMP URLs. If the page has alternate versions, the tool also provides information about the canonical version. This tool describes the most recently indexed version of a page, not the live version on the web.
Indexed URL
A page is indexed by Google if it has been:
- visited by the Google crawler (Googlebot)
- analysed for content and meaning
- stored in the Google index
Indexed pages can be shown in Google Search results.
Crawling is the process of finding new or updated pages to add to Google One of the Google crawling engines crawls (requests) the page. The terms "crawl" and "index" are often used interchangeably, although they are different (but closely related) actions.
URL Inspection Result
The inspection results include three sections:
- Presence on Google
- Index coverage
- Enhancements (AMP, Jobs, and more)
1. Presence on Google
This describes whether or not the URL can appear in Google Search results.
URL is on Google
This means that the URL has been indexed, can appear in Google Search results, and no problems were found with any enhancements found in the page (structured data, linked AMP pages, and so on).
URL is on Google, but has issues
This means that the URL has been indexed and can appear in Google Search results, but there are some problems that might prevent it from appearing with the enhancements that you applied to the page.
Read the warnings or errors information in the report and try to fix the problems described.
URL is not on Google: Indexing errors
This means that there was at least one critical error that prevented the URL from being indexed, and it cannot appear in Google Search until those issues are fixed.
Expand the Index coverage section to see details about the indexing attempt.
URL is not on Google
This means that the URL won't appear in Google Search results. Most common reasons include a password-protected page, a noindex directive, or that this is an alternate version of a canonical page (alternate version pages are not indexed).
Read the details in the Index coverage section to learn more about the reason.
URL is unknown to Google
This means that Google hasn't indexed the URL either because it hasn't seen the URL before, or because it has found it as a properly marked alternate page, but it can't be crawled. To fix, run a live inspection, fix any issues you might see, and submit the page for indexing.
URL is an alt version
This means that the URL is one of a set of alternate versions of the same page. Pages in this group include AMP or canonical pairs or desktop version or mobile version page pairs.
2. Index Coverage
This section describes the index status of the URL and the details of the indexing process for this URL. The following information is provided:
- Index coverage status
- Sitemaps
- Referring page
- Last crawl
- Crawl allowed?
- Page fetch
- Indexing allowed?
- Indexing allowed?
- Google-selected canonical
3. Enhancements
This section describes any Search enhancements detected by Google on the URL the last time it was indexed. If the URL could not be indexed, or no enhancements were detected, this section will be empty. The enhancements supported by this tool include:
- Mobile Usability
- Various rich result types