Top Google Fonts for Your Website

As website developer, you always need fonts. Use of good fonts makes the website look good. But, which fonts to use? There's always some confusion in mind. Let's see top Google fonts you can consider using for your next project.


Sans Serif Fonts

  1. Open Sans
  2. Lato
  3. Ubuntu
  4. Droid Sans
  5. PT Sans
  6. Roboto
  7. Noto Sans
  8. Oxygen
  9. Muli

Serif Fonts

  1. Josefin Slab
  2. Arvo
  3. Noto Serif
  4. Droid Serif
  5. Roboto Slab
  6. Lora
  7. PT Serif
  8. Roboto
  9. Libre Baskerville


  • Droid Sans & Droid Serif
  • PT Sans & PT Serif
  • Lora / Arvo & Open Sans / Lato / Ubuntu
  • Droid Sans & Ubuntu
  • Roboto & Roboto Slab
  • Noto Sans & Noto Serif