Employer Aggregate Rating Structured Data

If your site publishes user-generated ratings about hiring organizations, you can add this structured data to your site. It s an evaluation of a hiring organization compiled from many users.


<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context" : "https://schema.org/",
"@type": "EmployerAggregateRating",
"itemReviewed": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name" : "World's Best Coffee Shop",
"sameAs" : "http://www.worlds-best-coffee-shop.example.com"
"ratingValue": "91",
"bestRating": "100",
"worstRating": "1",
"ratingCount" : "10561"

Required Properties

bestRating (Number): The highest value allowed in this rating system. This property is only required if the rating system is not a 5-point scale. If bestRating is omitted, 5 is assumed.

itemReviewed (Organization): The organization that is being rated. The itemReviewed property must point to a schema.org/Organizaton that represents the company being rated.

ratingCount (Number): The total number of ratings of the organization on your site.

ratingValue (Number): A numerical quality rating for the organization. The numerical quality rating must be an aggregate score that is accurately derived from the provided ratings.

worstRating (Number): The lowest value allowed in this rating system. This property is only required if the rating system is not a 5-point scale. If worstRating is omitted, 1 is assumed.