Carousel Structured Data

Carousels typically appear only on mobile devices, and only for certain content types. There are two ways to implement a list format for structured data: Summary page with multiple full details pages and a single, all-in-one-page list.

To enable a carousel for your site, add Carousel structured data in combination with one of the following supported content types:

  1. Course
  2. Movie
  3. Recipe
  4. Restaurant

1. Summary page with multiple details pages

The summary page has a short description of each item in the list, and each description points to a separate details page that is focused entirely on one item.

  1. Summary page: It defines an ItemList, where each ListItem has only three properties: @type (set to "ListItem"), position (the position in the list), and url (the URL of a page with full details about that item).
  2. Details page: It defines a structured data element appropriate for that list type.

For example,

<script type="application/ld+json">

To specify a list, you must define an ItemList containing at least two ListItems. The ItemList is the container item that holds all elements in the list. All URLs in the list must point to different pages on the same domain.

The ListItem should include only the type, position, and url properties.

2. Single, all-in-one-page list

A single, all-in-one-page list hosts all list information, including full text of each item.