Practice Problems (Quiz) Structured Data
You can use practice problems structured data mark up to help students, teachers and parents find education and learning material easier. Practice problems are like Quiz.
There are three cases:
- Quiz with only one question and one correct answer (radio).
- Quiz with only one question and multiple correct answers (checkboxes).
- Quiz with multiple questions.
Required Properties
- name: Underlying concept behind the Quiz.
hasPart: Information about the specific practice problem for the quiz.
- @type: Question
- acceptedAnswer
- eduQuestionType: Multiple choice or Checkbox
- learningResourceType: Practice problem
- suggestedAnswer
- text
Recommended Properties
educationalAlignment: The alignment of quiz to an established educational framework.
- @type: AlignmentObject
- alignmentType: educationalSubject or educationalLevel
- targetName
name: Title of the quiz
Educational Standards
- Common Core State Standards
- Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
- Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL)
- BC Performance Standards
- Alberta Programs of Studies
- The Australian Curriculum (ACARA)
- The Victorian Curriculum (F-10)
- UK National Curriculum