Example of Database Design and Implementation
This example develops a new system that tracks poets, poems, anthologies and sales.

Phase 1: Analysis
The objective is to develop a database system to track the poets they have recorded, the poems they write, the publications they appear in, as well as the sales to customers that these publications make.
- A poet can be anybody who wants to be a poet, not necessarily someone who has a poem captured in the system or someone who has even written a poem.
- Poems can be submitted through a web interface, by email or on paper.
- All captured poems are written by an associated poet, whose details are already in the system.
- A publication can be a single poem, a poetry anthology, or a work of literary criticism.
- Customers can sign up through a web interface and may order publications at that point in time, or express interest in receiving updates for possible later purchases.
- Sales of publications are made to customers whose details are stored in the system. There are no anonymous sales.
- A single sale can be for one publication, but many publications can also be purchased at the same time.
- Not all publications make sales - some may be special editions, and others simply never sell any copies.
Phase 2: Design
Based on the information and requirements, following initial entities are identified:
- Poet
- Poem
- Publication
- Sale
- Customer
Next, you need to determine the relationship between these entities.
- A poet can write many poems. The analysis identified the fact that a poet can be stored in the system even if there are no associated poems. Poems may be captured at a later point in time, or the poet may still be a potential poet. Conversely, many poets could conceivably write a poem, though the poem must have been written by at least one poet.
- A publication may contain many poems (an anthology) or just one. It can also contain no poems (poetry criticism for example). A poem may or may not appear in a publication.
- A sale must be for at least one publication, but it may be for many. A publication may or may not have made any sales.
- A customer may be made for many sales, or none at all. A sale is only made for one and only one customer.
You can identify the following attributes:
- Poet: first name, surname, address, email address
- Poem: poem title, poem contents
- Publication: title, price
- Sales: date, amount
- Customer: first name, surname, address, email address
There are two many-to-many relationships in the design. These need to be converted into one-to-many relationships before implementation. The intersection entities are:
- poem-publication
- sale-publication
Now, to begin the logical and physical design, you need to add attributes that can create the relationship between the entities and specify primary keys.
1. Poet table
Field | Definition |
poet code | primary key, integer |
first name | character (30) |
surname | character (40) |
address | character (100) |
postcode | character (20) |
email address | character (254) |
2. Poem table
Field | Definition |
poem code | primary key, integer |
poem title | character(50) |
poem contents | text |
poet code | foreign key, integer |
3. Poem-publication table
Field | Definition |
poem code | joint primary key, foreign key, integer |
publication code | joint primary key, foreign key, integer |
4. Publication table
Field | Definition |
publication code | primary key, integer |
title | character(100) |
price | numeric(5.2) |
5. Sale-publication table
Field | Definition |
sale code | joint primary key, foreign key, integer |
publication code | joint primary key, foreign key, integer |
6. Sale table
Field | Definition |
sale code | primary key, integer |
date | date |
amount | numeric(10.2) |
customer code | foreign key, integer |
7. Customer table
Field | Definition |
customer code | primary key, integer |
first name | character (30) |
surname | character (40) |
address | character (100) |
postcode | character (20) |
email address | character (254) |
Phase 3: Implementation
With the design is complete, it is time to run the CREATE statements.
CREATE DATABASE poets_circle;
poet_code INT NOT NULL,
first_name VARCHAR(30),
surname VARCHAR(40),
address VARCHAR(100),
postcode VARCHAR(20),
email VARCHAR(254),
PRIMARY KEY(poet_code)
poem_code INT NOT NULL,
title VARCHAR(50),
contents TEXT,
poet_code INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(poem_code),
FOREIGN KEY(poet_code) REFERENCES poet(poet_code)
CREATE TABLE publication(
publication_code INT NOT NULL,
title VARCHAR(100),
PRIMARY KEY(publication_code)
CREATE TABLE poem_publication(
poem_code INT NOT NULL,
publication_code INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(poem_code, publication_code),
FOREIGN KEY(poem_code) REFERENCES poem(poem_code),
FOREIGN KEY(publication_code) REFERENCES publication(publication_code)
CREATE TABLE sales_publication(
sales_code INT NOT NULL,
publication_code INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(sales_code, publication_code)
CREATE TABLE customer(
customer_code INT NOT NULL,
first_name VARCHAR(30),
surname VARCHAR(40),
address VARCHAR(100),
postcode VARCHAR(20),
email VARCHAR(254),
PRIMARY KEY(customer_code)
sale_code INT NOT NULL,
sale_date DATE,
customer_code INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(sale_code),
FOREIGN KEY(customer_code) REFERENCES customer(customer_code)