Book Structured Data
Book actions make Google Search an entry point for discovering books and authors, enabling Search users to quickly buy the books that they find directly from Search results. As a provider of e-books, you can provide a feed of data to Google using the structured data schema.
Required Properties
author (Person): The author(s) of the book. For each author you list, you must provide a specific Person entity.
name (Text): The title of the book. If you provide multiple editions, use the title of the book edition.
url (URL): URL of the page on your site about the book. The page may list all available editions.
workExample (Book): The editions of this book.
Either a specific edition of the written work, or the volume of the work.
bookFormat (BookFormatType): The format of the book using one or more of the following values - EBook, Hardcover, Paperback, AudioBook
isbn (Text): The ISBN of the tome. The ISBN can be either 10 or 13 digits, but 13 digits is recommended. Use the ISBN of the print book instead if there is no ISBN for the edition being described; for example, for the Kindle edition.
potentialAction (ReadAction): Read action(s) for the book.