Clientexec Support Settings

In order to find your Support Settings, navigate to Settings -> Support.


Support E-mail - This is the email where all support questions will be directed. It will also be in some email templates. It is absolutely necessary to insert your support domain; otherwise, you will receive errors about email misconfiguration.

Support Start Ticket Number - This will be the number the tickets start on. For example, the first ticket submitted will be ticket number 1000. It will increment in one's as each additional ticket is submitted.

Response Time Goal - This is the time that you aim for your team members to respond to a ticket with. Reports are available to track if the response time is met.

Ticket Number Prefix - This is the prefix that will show before each ticket. In this example, the prefix is "CE". The ticket will appear as "CE-1000".

Allow Admins to Reply From Any E-mail - This works with e-mail piping only. This will allow the staff member to reply from any email address in addition to the one they have setup in Clientexec. If this is selected to no, the staff member must reply via their email they have associated with their Clientexec account. In this case ticket logs will be marked as "Tech Support (via E-mail)".

Allow Customers to Reply From Any E-mail - This works with e-mail piping only. The same principal applies above, but except it is conditional for customers. If this is enabled, customers can reply from any email account. If it is not, they must reply from their email associated with their Clientexec account. This setting could be useful when the customer replies to a ticket and CCs unregistered users who might then reply afterwards as well.

Require Access Code - Enabling this will display the ReCaptcha spam prevention access code on the public ticket submission page. This is recommended to fight spam.

Allow Customer File Uploads - If you would like customers to be able to attach files to support tickets, enable this feature.

Allowed File Extensions - These are the extensions you specify that the customer may upload.

Days To Allow Tickets To Be Reopened - By inserting a number value in this field, you restrict the amount of days in which a customer can reopen a closed ticket. For example, if you insert "2", a closed ticket cannot be reopened after two days. Leaving this field blank will allow the ticket to be reopened at any time.

Frequency to send feedback request E-mails - Select how often you wish to have the system send an Email to the customer requesting for feedback about the service, after a ticket is closed. You can modify the E-mail's template in the E-mail templates settings section.


Here, you may add or modify departments.

You can click Add Department to add a department. You can click any of the departments to open up their settings. You can click the radio box to delete the department.

Add Department

  • Department Name - The name of the Department.
  • Department Groups - The staff groups in this Department.
  • Department Staff Members - The staff members in this Department.
  • Permissions:
    • Lead - This check mark will make the staff member the lead of this Department.
    • Assign - The staff member can assign a ticket to someone else.
    • Notify - The staff member will receive a notification of new tickets.
    • Closed - The staff member can close the ticket.
    • Feedback - The staff member can see feedback left on the ticket.
    • Resolution - Placeholder for future feature.
  • Notify Emails tab - Insert the email addresses that will be notified when a high priority ticket is submitted.

Ticket Types

It is the ability to organize your tickets by the type of issue. When you click the Ticket Types tab, you will see your Ticket Types. You can click "Include System Types" to view the default ticket types.  

Add Ticket Type

  • Name - The name of the Ticket Type.
  • Description - The description of the ticket type.
  • Default Assignee - The default person or group tickets under this type will assign to.
  • Custom Fields - These are configured in the Custom Fields tab. This can be used to gather the client's data pertinent to the ticket. For example, if the ticket is an FTP issue, you can set up custom fields to ask for their FTP username and password.
  • Enabled - If checked, this ticket type can be utilized by registered users.
  • Enabled in the public section - If enabled, the public section will feature this ticket type when creating a ticket.

Enabled - If this ticket type is enabled or not.

Tickets - How many tickets are in each ticket type.

Custom Fields

These are the custom fields you insert in the Custom Fields area of the ticket type. When you are submitting a ticket, you may notice custom fields before the submit button or if you are a staff member, when you are viewing a ticket, you will notice the Custom Fields tab. These are where they created. Once these are created, you can go back to the Ticket Types area and insert the title of the custom fields so that they will apply to that ticket type.

To add a Custom Field:

  • Field Name - The name of the custom field.
  • Field Description - A description of the field.
  • Field Type - You can specify multiple options here, such as a Yes/No question, dropdown, text box, text area, or date.
  • Is Required - Must be inserted in order to submit the ticket.
  • Admin Only - Only the staff members can view it and not visible to customers when viewing their profile.
  • Encrypted - This field will be encrypted in the database. This is recommended, especially for password fields.
  • All Ticket Types - This field will apply to every ticket type.


Guest users can post comments - By enabling this, guests can comment on your knowledgebase articles.

Number of Latest Articles - The number of knowledgebase articles to appear on the Latest Articles area.

Publish Comments Automatically - By enabling this, comments will not have to seek moderation approval; they will not publish automatically.