Adding Workshop to Moodle Course

A workshop provides a place for students in a class to see an example project, upload their individual projects, and see and assess each other's projects. When a teacher requires each student to assess the work of several other students, the workshop becomes a powerful collaborative grading tool.

Workshops can be ungraded, peer-graded, instructor-graded, or a combination of peer- and instructor-graded. Workshops enable you to create very specific assessment criteria for graders to use. Workshops also let you set due dates to submit grading work.

Peer Assessment of Submissions

One strategy for workshops is to have students assess each other's work before that same work is submitted as a graded assignment. For example, you can create a workshop in which students assess each other's subject matter, outlines, and hypothesis for their term papers or they can assess each other's photos for specific technical and artistic criteria before they are submitted to the instructor for grading purposes.

Four Phases of Workshop

When you run a workshop, you will go through four phases:

The setup phase is when you create a workshop and choose settings for how it will work.

The submission phase is when students submit their work. Also, each student will be given assignments to assess the work of some other students. The assessments can be allocated automatically by a system or a teacher can manually allocate assessments to students. Either way, at the end of the submission phase, each student will have submitted his or her work and been told to assess the work of one or several other students.

During the assessment phase, students will assess each other's work. The teacher will create assessment forms that students will use when conducting their assessments of each other's work.

During the grading evaluation phase, students are given grades for how well they evaluated the work of their peers. This is the final phase of the workshop.